Company information

Address: OlChemIm s.r.o., Šlechtitelů 27, P.O.Box 22, 770 10 Olomouc, Czech Republic
Registered in Czech Republic: No. 47154845, VAT No.: CZ47154845
TEL/FAX: +420 585 427 407
Bankers:Československá obchodní banka (ČSOB), Jeremenkova 1211/40B, 779 00 Olomouc
Account No IBAN:CZ6603000000000177996616 (payment in EU in €)
Account No:377802513 (foreign payment in USD - the rest of world)
Account No:377802433/0300 (in CZK in the Czech Republic)
* * * * * * *
Bankers:Fio banka, a.s., 779 00 Olomouc, Slovenská 506/2, Czech Republic
Account No IBAN:CZ7420100000002900778810 (payment in EU in €)
Account No:2000778807/2010 (in CZK in the Czech Republic)
Account No IBAN:CZ5020100000002000778807 (in CZK in the Czech Republic)

Order requirements

To expedite your order, please include the following information:

  1. Complete shipping address
  2. Complete billing address
  3. Purchase order number
  4. Catalogue number and description of the product
  5. Quantity and size of the product
  6. For orders within the EU, please, indicate your VAT Identification Number

In the interest of prompt service and delivery, we encourage telefaxed or E-mailed orders. We prefer E-mailed orders if you need send us your telefax order after email order, please write “COPY”. Only telefaxed orders can take long time. If such procedures are used, we do not require a written confirmation. If it is necessary for the customer to send a written order in addition to the above, please indicate clearly that the order is marked "confirmation"; this will help to avoid duplication of shipments. OlChemIm cannot be held responsible in cases where this later procedure is not followed.


Orders for stock items are usually shipped that same day via fastest, most economical mode of transportation. In the event that an order specifies a non-stock item or if for any reason we cannot make a complete shipment, a partial shipment will be made, unless instructed otherwise. The customer will be notified promptly of any unanticipated delay. We can also ship our products in accordance with method specified in your order. Our products are shipped either by Czech Post, DHL or FedEx. Shipping, package charges and transport insurance will be added to the invoice.

Payment, Prices & Terms

All mentioned prices are exclusive VAT. Prices are subject to change without notice. Standard payment terms are net 30 days from the date of invoice. The minimum order requirement is 50.00 EUR; this amount does not include any special packaging, service, and/or handling fees. Orders received for less than 50.00 EUR will be bailed at the minimum level. Thereafter a carrying charge of 1.5% per month will be added to the unpaid balance. Payment in USD is possible using EUR/USD ratio of order day. WE OFFER BIG PRICE REDUCTION ON LARGE THAN LISTED AMOUNTS. PLEASE, ASK FOR A QUOTATION.

As part of this pre-order form, you can write down the requested products (including product numbers), and we will create a personalized price offer for you, which we will send to you via email.